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Drooling in Dogs: Why They Do It & What to Do

Dogs drool for various reasons, and understanding why can help you address any concerns and keep your pet comfortable. In this article, we'll explore why dogs drool, which breeds are more prone to it, how to manage normal drooling, and when to consult a veterinarian for excessive drooling.

Why is my dog drooling?

Dogs' mouths contain watery saliva containing germ-fighting chemicals, digestive helpers, and minerals. Saliva is made in glands near the jaw and enters the mouth through ducts.

Saliva contains amylase, an enzyme that starts digestion by breaking down food while chewing. It moistens food, helps form a bolus for easier swallowing, and enhances the taste. Saliva also helps clean teeth, reducing cavities and tooth decay. Its antibacterial properties also fight off bad breath.

Although saliva has many health benefits, too much can result from a health issue.

Dog Breeds Known for Drooling

Not all dogs drool equally; some breeds drool more often than others. Breeds such as St. Bernards, Bulldogs, Bloodhounds, Mastiffs, Newfoundlands, and Bernese Mountain Dogs tend to drool more than other breeds.

If you observe your dog drooling excessively, it may not be normal. It's a good idea to take note of your dog's usual level of drooling. This will assist you in distinguishing between normal and excessive drooling and prompt you to consult your vet if you notice any unusual changes.

Why do dogs drool?

If you're wondering what causes drooling in dogs, there are various reasons. Some common instances in which a dog may drool include:

Smelling Food: Because your dog has over 200 million scent receptors, he has a stronger reaction when he smells your food, his food, or even when you open the dog food bag.

Nausea: These include gastrointestinal (GI) issues, vestibular (balance) issues, and motion sickness. When a dog is nauseous, its salivary glands go into overdrive, and it drools.

Physical Formation: Because the anatomy of their mouths allows the liquid to dribble out, some dogs' saliva production appears excessive. Giant breeds are known for their saggy lips and drooping jowls, which do not effectively hold saliva in and allow it to drain. Drooling breeds include the Bloodhound, Mastiff, St. Bernard, and Newfoundlanders.

Dental Problems: Even though saliva protects teeth, dogs can develop dental problems. Tartar accumulation traps bacteria and causes gingivitis and periodontitis. Inflamed or infected gums become sore, and teeth become loose in their sockets as bony tissue deteriorates. Teeth may fall out or fracture, causing pain. All of these dental issues cause excessive salivation.

Injuries and/or Growths: Excessive drooling can be caused by abrasions from chewing hard objects, ulcers, cuts, and burns. Lumps or bumps in the mouth can also cause drooling. These growths could be harmless warts or cancerous tumors. Even innocuous growths can cause drooling.

Excitement: When dogs are excited or agitated, they drool. That's why they drool all over you!

Underlying Conditions That Causes Drooling in Dogs

Drooling can be a symptom of another underlying problem, so excessive drooling should not be ignored. Here are some other signs that might also come with hypersalivation:

Decreased Appetite or a Change in Eating Routine: If chronic GI problems cause hypersalivation, the dog may lose appetite gradually. Drooling may be temporary if the cause is nausea and will stop when the upset stomach resolves. Drooling caused by a mouth injury, growth, or foreign body will continue until the physical condition heals or the offending item/growth is removed. 

Dogs that love dry kibble may hesitate to eat when their mouths are sore. They may hold their heads at an odd angle to position the food on the less painful side and drop food from their mouths. They often eat better when served soft, moistened food.

Changing Behavior: When a dog is in pain, even the sweetest dogs can become aggressive. When other dogs are in pain, they become reclusive and withdrawn.

Pawing at the Face: Some dogs with oral pain rub their muzzles with their paws or on the floor to relieve the pain. When swallowing food or water, drooling dogs with esophageal or stomach problems may gulp or extend their necks.

When to See the Vet

If you notice excessive drooling along with any of the following symptoms, it's time to consult a veterinarian:

  • If your dog has been drooling excessively for more than a day.
  • Any visible signs of mouth injuries, foreign objects, or severe dental problems.
  • Symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, or behavioral changes.
  • Any sudden and unexplained increase in drooling.

How to Stop a Dog From Drooling

Keep your dog hydrated and make sure they get enough exercise.

Take good care of your dog's teeth to prevent drooling. Regular professional teeth cleanings and exams can help detect any issues.

If your dog naturally drools, consider using a stylish bandanna to catch the drool and add some character to your pup!

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

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